Where people like you were “lucky” enough to find shelter and survive the initial onslaught. If you found shelter, surely there must be others.
The city is in ruin and mayhem rules the streets. Nothing is certain except for the fact that your safety is temporary. You have no food and few friends.
You’ve got to do something! You have got to get out!
From the building that’s kept you alive thus far, you watch as humanity mutates right before your eyes. In the chaos you can see helicopter evacuation taking place for the remaining living. It would seem, your best bet is to find your way to one of those helicopters.
Unfortunately, you will have to fight your way through a multi-level 3-D game board to get there. You will need to find whatever you can to help keep you alive through this ‘City of Mayhem’ over-run with Zombie Mutation™.
Hopefully, you can find weapons, supplies, or even other survivors to help you.
Be Careful! Even survivors aren’t always what they seem…
It’s up to you whether you help rescue survivors or throw them to the horde for your own escape. Some may think that’s ruthless, but in this game if you die, you become one of them! You’ll mutate and turn on the very people trying to help you escape.
Your only goal is to remain alive and get yourself and any survivors on that helicopter. Good Luck… You’ll need it!
ZOMBIE MUTATION™ City of Mayhem ~ A Killer 3D Board Game

Zombie Mutation™, combines random game elements that we feel make for very enjoyable game play.
Zombie Mutation™ sets the stage with a great background story and unique character personas. Each characters brings a unique attribute along with them during game play.
The game play itself is very intuitive, quick paced, and easy to learn.
Ultimately, there can be only one winner, however to make it through the various levels of mutating zombies alive; you will find that this game definitely promotes team strategy. The player to make it to the helicopter pad with the most survivors & a successful rescue roll wins the game.
You’ll have to watch out for survivors as they may just turn on you. And don’t worry you’re game doesn’t end (at least immediately) when you die. In this game your character can mutate into a Hero Zombie wreaking havoc on your former ‘friends’.
- 1 Game Board
- 3 Buildings
- 30 Action Cards
- 42 Supply Cards
- 30 Survivor Cards
- 24 Zombie Cards
- 12 Sliders
- 6 Molded Hero Figures
- 6 Zombie Hero Figures
- 36 Molded Level 1 Zombies
- 30 Molded Level 2 Zombies
- 30 Molded Level 3 Zombies
- 6 Hero Special Ability Cards
- 6 Hero/Hero Zombie Player Cards
- 6 Zombie Player Tiles
- 54 Action Tiles
- 9 Movement Trays
Ultimately there can be only one winner or one winning team; however to make it through the various levels of mutating zombies alive; you will find that this game definitely promotes team strategy. This game can be played individually as a “free-for-all” or as “opposing teams”. (Best when played with 4 players in teams of two).
The main goal of the game is to make it successfully from the top of one of the starting buildings, down through the city streets and to the helicopter rescue on the top of the hospital building with as many survivors as possible. To achieve this, players will need to seek out supplies and survivors indicated by ‘action, supply or survivor tiles’ on this grid based game board. When a player becomes adjacent to any of these game tiles, all movement stops and the game tile is activated. The player must then draw from the corresponding deck of cards being; zombie, action, or survivor. The thing about ‘action cards’ is that you never know what you’re going to get; you could wind up drawing anything ranging from much needed health or a weapon to a survivor, zombie horde or even triggering a mutation.
At the beginning of a players’ turn the player must determine what action they will take. A player gets two actions per turn; which are as follows:
Move and Attack > Attack and Attack > Breakaway and Move
Players will roll one die to determine the number of squares the Hero can move, and two dice for an attack. If a player chooses to breakaway and flee from combat, the player will roll one die with a minus 1 to their movement.
There are many obstacles each player will face during the course of the game. The dice rolling in conjunction with the card drawing aspect of this game creates a very random influence on how the game can and will be played out. Some examples of this might be drawing a key, a rope, a mutation card or even the number of zombies encountered. Depending on where you happen to draw one of these cards it could change your entire strategy by creating opportunity or pressuring you to react and move quickly.
Just like the name of the game implies, zombies can randomly mutate during game play. Drawing a Mutation Card causes all zombies on a specific level to change by increasing their strength or ability.
Zombies move or attack after each player turn. Heroes and Hero Zombies use a slider to track Health Points located on each player card during game play. A single successful roll kills regular zombies.
If a player’s Hero depletes their Health Points and is unable to heal at the start of the next turn, that Hero becomes a Zombie Hero. It is the objective of a Zombie Hero to prevent all remaining Heros from reaching their objective. Zombie Heroes have the ability to merge with other zombies and survivors on the game board to create a horde controlled by the Zombie Hero. When Mutation Cards are drawn, Zombie Heroes will reap great benefit.
Players can also choose to begin the game as a Zombie Hero playing against the Hero players. The goal for a Zombie Hero is to eliminate all Heroes before they can reach their extraction point.
The Characters:

Lexi Steel
The GangsterLexi Steel

Jackson Strong
The CopJackson Strong

LeeAnne Lovelace
The ER NurseLeeAnne Lovelace

Jake Breaker
Special ForcesJake Breaker

Jake’s steele blue eyes reflect his ability to remain cool when faced with hard circumstances as well as his ice-cold methods of dealing with those who make circumstances ‘difficult’. Jake’s a natural born leader, highly trained in both killing and staying alive.

August Raine
The MicrobiologistAugust Raine

Lorenzo Luciano
The MobsterLorenzo Luciano

Level 3 Zombie
Zombie ~ Mutation Level 3Level 3 Zombie